January 6, 2017
Top 3 Things You Need to Know When Specifying your Cable Reel
Written by: Dan Ericson
Cord reels are an indispensable tool for electrical workers, providing a safe and efficient way to manage electrical cables. Whether used in hazardous environments or for simple light duty tasks, there is a wide range of retractable cord reels available to suit various applications. To ensure that you choose the right reel for your needs, it is crucial to follow the three steps outlined below for selecting the perfect cable reel. By considering the mechanical requirements, such as how the reel will be used and the environment it will be located in, along with the electrical requirements like amperage and voltage handling, you can make an informed decision. Additionally, factoring in the cable length requirements, including active length, inactive length, safety wrap, and lift height, will further aid in selecting the ideal cord reel for your specific application. With these considerations in mind, you can confidently choose the best reel for your needs, ensuring safety, efficiency, and value.
1. Mechanical Requirements:
- How will the reel be used? Stretch, lift, drag, or retrieve? See the illustration for more information on usage of your cable reel application.
- What type of environment will the reel be located in? (Indoors, outdoors, hazardous environment)
- What is the Duty-Cycle? How often will the reel payout and retract?
- What is the maximum speed of the equipment? The maximum recommended speed is 150 feet per minute.
2. Electrical Requirements:
- How much amperage is the cable expected to handle?
- At what voltage?
- What will the reel be required to handle: power, control or communication signals?
- How many total conductors are required? Usage of one conductor for dedicated ground is ideal.
- What gauge (AWG) cable is required? The amperage and total number of conductors required will determine the gauge.
3. Cable Length Requirements:
- ADD: Active Length: The difference between the minimum operating payout.
- PLUS: Inactive Length: Cable that always stays out of the reel, even at full retraction.
- PLUS: Safety Wrap: Cable that stays on the reel at maximum payout.
- PLUS: Sag Factor – (Stretch Only): Add 10% to Active and Inactive length total.
- Lift Height – (Drag/Retrieve): The distance between where the cable lays up to the spool center line. Max 4’.
- Hook-up Length: Cable required for termination at both ends – 2-3’ Spool Ends.
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