April 23, 2018
Equipment theft on the job site: how do you protect your assets?
Written by: Mark McFadden
Equipment theft is something that is on a lot of people's minds, especially if you are a contractor working on an unsecured job site. Even with the dropping costs of monitoring equipment like security cameras and lower-cost webcams, the problem of equipment "walking off" a site continues to grow. Some reports estimate losses up to $1 billion annually! Theft not only puts you out monetarily from the loss, but also can set you back in your schedule- creating a domino effect on your expected time to complete the project.
While theft can never be completely eliminated, there are steps that you can take help deter possible thieves from even attempting to steal your equipment. The harder it is for your equipment to be stolen and potentially resold, the less interested a thief will be. Workplace thieves generally stick to eyeing the low-hanging fruit - in this case, equipment that is not secured or distinctive in any way.

One way to make your equipment less desirable to potential thieves is by having your company name or other identifier custom printed on the cable. Many manufacturers, including Ericson, offer this service. Be sure to ask about it when purchasing new equipment.
There are other ways that you can deter theft of your equipment on the job site. To learn more about them, download our new guide "4 Ways to Prevent Theft on the Jobsite."
Workplace Safety
Mark McFadden
Mark McFadden is a Market Manager at Ericson, focusing on the oil & gas, and power generation markets. He has over twenty years of experience in the electrical, manufacturing, and power generation industries, in product application, product development, and business development roles. He holds degrees in Electrical...
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