When you pick up a product with a "Made in the USA" logo emblazoned on it, you should feel a sense of pride. Buying American-made products, like Ericson's rugged line of temporary power and lighting solutions, allows companies to continue to innovate and create quality products. But there's more to it than that. Here are 4 reasons why buying American-made products is so important:
1. Producing jobs: Yes, this one is rather obvious, but it's also incredibly impactful. The loss of American manufacturing jobs over the last 15 years has had a staggering effect on the US economy and the job market. Purchasing American-made products further
2. Environmental concerns: Purchasing U.S. products just makes environmental sense. American-made products carry a much smaller carbon footprint than products produced overseas. Shipping products around the globe comes at a high environmental cost due to plane and ship emissions and buying U.S. products dramatically cuts those costs down.
Another concern is that other countries do not have the type of environmental restrictions on emissions and other pollutants that we do in the U.S. so the manufacturing of those products could be causing greater damage to the environment and the people working in the facilities.
3. Labor practices: Much like with the environment, many countries do not have labor laws in place that guarantee that employees are working safe conditions. From unsafe work environments, to unhealthy air quality, to child labor, the number of human rights issues that come with many products produced overseas is troubling.

4. Quality: When you see a "Made in the USA" sticker or logo on a product, you know that you have your hands on a quality good. Companies that manufacture products in the U.S. have full control of the process from the materials being used to the way products are being constructed. This complete oversight over the manufacturing process results in a quality product that cannot be matched by outsourcing.
Ericson is proud to make our innovative electrical safety products right here in the United States and we hope that you share that pride when you use them.
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