Ericson's Yellow Helmet Safety Blog

SmartMonitor Devices

Written by Kevin Hatgas | Dec 10, 2019 4:19:03 PM

Giving the Green Light to SmartMonitor Devices for AEGCP

We've made an important upgrade to our popular SmartMonitor Series visual diagnostic plugs and connectors. Comply with your Assured Equipment Grounding Conductor Program - AEGCP.

The LED indicator lights of our SmartMonitor wiring devices have traditionally been blue (working properly) and red (alert that something is wrong). Starting soon, these products will feature a more intuitive green LED to indicate proper ground continuity and wiring.  A red LED will still be used to identify a faulty wiring condition or an absence of ground continuity.  We feel this will be a welcome upgrade to users of our product for AEGCP compliance and other applications. 

Ericson's innovative SmartMonitor wiring devices provide more than just ground continuity monitoring (GCM). They also alert on several other issues that could compromise worker safety, including hot/neutral swap and reverse polarity.