Today, we will explore OSHAs top violations for fiscal year 2016. While the categories change very little from year to year, OSHA provides a number of statistics to better help employers and employees.
To no surprise, Fall Protection once again maintained the top spot, with OSHA making 6,929 citations during fiscal year 2016. That's up from 6,721 in 2015. Fall Protection has been the number one citation for six years in a row now. Hazard Communication and Scaffolding repeated as the second and third-most cited violations, with HazCom registering nearly 500 more citations than a year ago. Across all top ten categories, OSHA has issued 35,000 citations last fiscal year. This is over 95 citations a day!
While many of these categories are unfortunately up in citations from 2015, there are some that saw a decrease in violations. These include Scaffolds, Electrical Wiring, and other General Electrical Requirements.
Remember to ask yourself could these violations occur on my job-site or workplace? Is the answer is yes, ask yourself another question- How do you overcome these common mishaps and maintain a safe work environment?
As a leading temporary power and lighting company, Ericson offers a number of products and solutions that assist in reducing job-site hazards. However, my goal is not to sit here and tell you how great we are (even though I think we are) but enforce the importance of job-site safety. OSHA code is to protect your workers and remember that those workers could also be your own family, from your father to your brother, working a construction jobsite or wiring a panel. Electrical safety is our top priority and we encourage you to understand research and commit to worksite safety.
Hopefully next year, all of these categories can decrease in the number of citations!